Indian captain Mahender Singh Dhoni retired from Test cricket shortly after the conclusion of the third Test against Australia in Melbourne. It was a pre-planned retirement announcement from Dhoni but was kept under the mat just avoid unnecessary media attention during the present series. BCCI has announced Virat Kohli as the captain of the Indian team for the fourth and final Test against Australia which is slated to begin on January 6th 2015 in Sydney.
Dhoni made his debut in 2005 and went to play 90 matches till date. Under Dhoni's leadership India achieved the number one Test ranking of ICC but post the retirement of Sachin, Dravid, Laxman, Ganguly and Kumble, Indian team performed worst in overseas.
MS Dhoni is also the only Indian captain who did not score a single century in overseas and the Lord's Test victory is the only win for India in the last four years. Despite the continues failure in overseas, BCCI never bothered about the leadership and Dhoni's performance, as N Srinivasan has a strong command over the cricketing body.