The much controversial Polavaram Bill was introduced in Rajya Sabha by Home Minister Rajnath Singh today. TRS MP K. Keshav Rao was the first among MPs to talk about the bill. He said, “TRS party is not against the construction of Polavaram dam but the design should be modified. The present Polvaram Bill does not specify that and so we are rejecting the bill.”
Later former Minister and Congress MP Jairam Ramesh joined the discussion. “Polvaram is a multi-purpose project as it provides water for irrigation, drinking. About 45 thousands families have to be relocated and it will cost around Rupees 16,000 crores for the construction of dam. So far about 30 percent of funds have been spent, now the government can't go back on the bill,” added Jairam. While Jairam was talking, another MP V. Hanumantha Rao objected but deputy speaker intervened and pacified VH.
Orissa MPs also demanded the government to make changes in the bill. One of the MP, Kalpatura Das said, “The government should call chief ministers of four states and take their opinion. We are not against the project but there are some minor issues and government should take initiative to tackle them. Without the consent of four states, the project can't move ahead and so we are not supporting the present Polvaram bill as it is.”
On the whole, it looks like the Polavaram bill might get a smooth passage in the Rajya Sabha too as MP Jairam Ramesh endorsed Congress party's decision.
(AW: Vamshi)