The Union government is considering to hire CBI to the probe the mysterious death of former minister Shashi Tharoor's wife Sunanda Pushkar. Family members of Sunanda also want a detailed probe in her death while the Delhi Police failed to complete the case even after five months.
Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh has directed Delhi Police commissioner BS Bassi to conclude the case as early as possible, so that the government could take any decision on the CBI probe. Till date, the Delhi Police haven't filed an FIR in this case and also did not question Shashi Tharoor.
Sunanda Pushkar's death case hit the headlines yesterday as an AIIMS doctor, head of forensic department said he was pressurized to give a false report but he did not. Reacting to the controversy, Shashi Tharoor released a statement which said he too wants a thorough investigation in the case to put the speculations to rest.
In March 2014, BJP which was sitting in the opposition also demanded a CBI probe and with the party being in government, the officials say that CBI will definitely roped in this mysterious death case.
(AW: Vamshi)