Guntur MP Rayapati Sambasiva Rao has confirmed joining Telugu Desam Party [TDP]. Rayapati paid a visit to Tirumala this morning and affirmed his TDP entrance. Speaking to the media, “I was expelled from Congress party and Andhra Pradesh state deserves Chandrababu Naidu leadership. So along with my supporters I will be joining TDP on 31st of this month,” added Rayapati.
With Rayapati confirming his berth, TDP M Venugopal Reddy is in thoughts to quit party and join YSRCP. Chandrababu Naidu has been pacifying Venugopal to contest in Assembly segments, so that his seat can be accommodated to Rayapati. However, Venugopal is completely against this and said that he doesn't mind taking a bold decision in near future.
Dokka to follow
Rayapati's close aide and ex-minister Dokka Manikyavaraprasad also said that he is dilemma whether to quit Congress or not. “For the past few days I wasn't keeping good health and was away from party event. Coming to politics, Rayapati is my mentor, soon will be meeting my supporters as well as Rayapti to discuss future strategy. I'm confused whether to join TDP or not as Congress party gave all the opportunities,” said Dokka speaking at CLP office.
Not only Congress party in Seemandhra, Kiran's Jai Samaikyandhra Party [JSP] is also getting vacate. Rayapati was one of the member who backed Kiran but now he joining TDP, many more leaders are expected are looking at other parties. Saialajanath is hanging on the ropes of JSP.
Well let us wait and see, how many more leaders join TDP.
(AW: Vamshi)