In a major embarrassment, East Godavari Collector Neetu Prasad has denied permission to the meeting of former Andhra Pradesh chief minister Kiran Kumar Reddy in Rajamundry. At Arts College, Kiran has planned for a huge meeting to float his new political party, but as the election code came into being, Collector Neetu Prasad has denied the permit.
So Kiran has changed the venue from Arts College to Gemini Grounds and even for it, consent is required. The police officials are yet to approve the request for the meeting.
Kite as election symbol?
With the launch of political party is step far, Kiran is brainstorming on the election symbol now. Sources added that a “flying Kite” is likely going to be the party symbol however, Kiran wants to take the opinion of all the important leaders before filing a request at the election commission. The decision on the election symbol will be taken mostly after the launch of the party added another source.
(AW: Vamshi)