Powerstar Pawan Kalyan's political entry is gaining attention day by day. As he announced to host a press meet next week, Pawan is said to be discussing the probabilities of bring back the Prajarajyam Party [PRP]. According to the reports, MLAs of East Godavari have held talks with Pawan Kalyan's close associates and Ramchandrapuram MLA Thota Thrimurthulu and one more MLA Vanga Geetha have confirmed this news.
Vanga Geetha in a separate statement said that Pawan's men have approached us and re-launch of PRP is being discussed while Thrimurthulu was away from media. He did not react to any kind of rumor but confirmed that Pawan's men have approached him.
This shows the political situations are rapidly changing in East Godavari. Let us wait for some more time.
(AW: Vamshi)