Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Kiran Kumar Reddy has issued a notice to Assembly speaker Nadendla Manohar to sent back the Andhra Pradesh Reorganization Bill 2013 to President of India citing many loopholes in it. According to the rule 77 of Andhra Pradesh Assembly, CM Kiran issued a notice to move the resolution of sending back the T-Bill to the President. Assembly Affairs minister Sailajanath handed over this notice to speaker on behalf of CM Kiran.
Speaking in the Assembly earlier today, Kiran questioned the division bill and said it is against the constitution of India. “The bill does not contain the objects and reasons, the scope of proposals or the financial memorandum. Why the Center is dividing the State. Also Center violated Rules 11, 12, 9, 4, 5, 32 and 54 (of Parliament procedures) and also the Constitution of India in drafting the AP Reorganization bill, 2013,” said Kiran.
This came like a jolt to Congress High command and is yet to respond on the questions raised by CM Kiran. Not compromising on this stand of united AP, CM Kiran cleverly made this step said his close sources.