The Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) has said on Wednesday to Union Minister of Human Resource Shashi Tharoor to step down from the Ministerial responsibilities on the charges of his wife Sunanda Pushkar's mysterious death. NCP Spokesperson DP Tripathi had said, "We are all with Shashi Tharoor at this hour of grief but I must say the charges are very serious and the minister should dissociate from his ministerial responsibility."
In reply to NCP's comments, Congress party has said there is absolutely no need of Tharoor's resignation in this issue. “Tharoor is a responsible minister of the government. Nobody is accusing him of anything, why should he resign?" said Congress spokesperson Ranjit Singh Surjewala.
Sunanda Pushkar was found dead in a mysterious way at a luxury hotel in Delhi last Friday. This incident happened days after she alleged that her husband was having an affair with a Pakistani journalist, whom she targeted in a series of tweets. A day before Sunanda's death, Mr and Mrs Tharoor had issued a statement that said they were happily married.