The Telangana Rashtra Samiti President K Chandrasekhara Rao said in a party workers meeting on Saturday that the Chief Minister has no right to hold the position anymore and urged the Center to remove him and impose President’s rule immediately as he is behaving as a Chief Minister of Seemandhra and going against the CWC’s decision on the State bifurcation.
Kiran Kumar Reddy talked to the media on Friday explaining the problems that may erupt if the State is bifurcated. He gave a demonstration explaining fully how the water disputes will surface in case of bifurcation.
KCR said that Kiran Kumar’s talks are full of lies and the problems he states that would emerge as water disputes and losing of employment opportunities is quite unfounded.
TRS leader KT Rama Rao, Manda Jagannadham, K Keshava Rao and G.Vivek also condemned that the arguments of Kiran Kumar are baseless. They countered all the points raised by Kiran Kumar Reddy in the meeting with the media.
They said that the apprehensions of the CM are all wrong excepting his admission that the illegal projects on Krishna River in Seemandhra region. KTR remarked that the CM is an epitome of ignorance. He said that the competition for power in Seemandhra made him speak with blatant lies in a hope to gain goodwill. He rebuked the 70 minute speech of Kiran Kumar Reddy calling it as baseless and totally unintelligent.