A good movement in the Tourism Development in India is witnessed after Chranjeevi took over the charge of the Ministry at the Center. It is not because of his stardom but because of the vision and determination to develop the wing under his ministry made it hit the news frequently.
After the gang rape incident December 16th at Delhi that not only shook the Country but also brought a bad name is one thing that has to be repaired before we develop the tourist spots and go on advertising to attract tourists. But two more incidents one in UP and another in Agra Hotel did not do any good to the damage.
After taking the Indian Tourism Development program to Cannes International Film Festival, the Union Minister for Tourism Chirnajeevi came to the right conclusion that the smeared good will has to be made over with assurances and with an increased credibility.
Chiranjeevi came up with a novel idea of wearing badges with the inscription of “We respect Women” by the persons involved in the tourism. It will be written in English, Hindi and 9 International languages. The persons in Tourism include tour operators, guides, auto and taxi drivers, hotels etc. in addition to the staff of Tourism Department who interact with the public.
The measures that have to be taken practically by the officers concerned to ensure safety of the tourists is on the agenda in the meeting that will be held tomorrow at Delhi with all Tourism Ministers of the States.