As rains lash relentlessly in Andhra Pradesh, the state endured a lot in these 3 days. In the case of 5 people, it proved fatal. Yesterday, these 5 people met their maker due to the heavy rain. While one hails from Hyderabad, one hails from Karimnagar.
Kiran Kumar Reddy asked ministers Danam Nagender and P Balaraju to visit highly flooded areas along with other ministers to keep an eye on the relief activities.
Until now, the state reeled under 210.6 mm of rainfall during the south-west monsoon, compared to the normal measurement 172.9 mm. As per the India Meteorological Department (IMD) estimates, the next 48 hours will receive heavy to very heavy rainfall in all coastal districts and few areas in Telangana and Rayalaseema districts, reported Indiatv.
Those living in low-lying areas will need to be evacuated to safer places, as the torrential rain has already created chaos.
(AW: Sruthi)