A boy only a month old was sold for Rs 1.5 Lakhs in Nizambad, AP, officials reported today. They boy was rescued but no one was arrested yet.
The one-month-old was the illegal child of a laborer Gangadhar who failed to convince the mother to undergo abortion. Around the same time, Linganna, a mediator in the child-trafficking deal, suggested Gangadhar that instead of trying to abort the child, he could sell he child for money. Immediately, Gangadhar stopped all efforts to get the mother aborted. They sold the boy one month after he was born only 10 days ago according to the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) authorities who lodged a complaint to the rural police in Nizamabad.
The boy was rescued from Dubba vilage and taken to a Child care home Nizambad town. After delivery at the government hospital in Nizambad, the child was missing from the hospital 10 days ago. The mother was not giving out any information on the same which forced the ICDS to lodge a complaint. She later revealed of the child-trafficking deal after a bit of counselling.
Gangadhar and Linganna were being questioned and no arrests have been made yet.
(AW- Anil)