CM leaves for New Delhi

April 17, 2013 11:10
CM leaves for New Delhi

Chief Minister Kiran Kumar Reddy has reportedly left for New Delhi today early in the morning. It is learnt that Kiran Kumar Reddy will meet with newly appointed Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi, and State Congress affairs incharge minister Gulamnabi Azad to and convene a meeting. His talks with Nabi today would be preparatory exercise for the meeting with Rahul tomorrow.

It is learnt that Kiran Kumar Reddy will talk about the Telangana Congress MPs in the state during the meeting. He will seek the opinion of the high command on the pending petitions with the speaker against the MLAs after being in a dilemma whether or not to disqualify them. The petitions are filed apropos to the MLAs going against the party's orders not to support the no-confidence motion in the Assembly a few days ago.

Botsa is also reportedly leaving for Delhi to meet with Rahul tomorrow on April 18th but it is not clear when he would start yet.

Yesterday he spoke at Tekkali Srikakulam while warning employees that all the errant government officials who miss meetings and fail to meet deadlines will be taken to task. He said that dereliction of duties was unpardonable.

(AW- Anil)

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