YSRC chief and MP Jaganmohan Reddy is currently under judicial custody at Chanchalguda jail. He's been charge with financial irregularities and quid pro quo. Reportedly, there are a large number of people who have been taking on Jaganmohan Reddy and questioning as to how he has become rich in such a shorter span of time. In fact, an interesting video, which has now become viral on internet apparently highlights the alleged irregularities of Jaganmohan Reddy in pictorial representation/presentation form.
In the video, it shows Jaganmohan Reddy alongside the then chief minister YS Rajashekara Reddy. It shows the way he allegedly self created a company and gave alleged government lands and leases to some companies that in turn invested in his company as a token of gratitude or alleged hidden agreement. It also shows how he allegedly entered into multimillion deals and also the way he set up Sakshi group to allegedly defend himself. In the end, it shows YSR as dead and then Jagan caught in scams and behind the bars. This video was created by Sambhaav Media Group and received enormous response from the public on facebook.
(AW Phani)