Hyderabad police busted a massive flesh trade racket after a sting operation on the resorts in the outskirts of the state capital. Several reports have been emerging off late about the flourishing skin trade in the resorts which are aloof from the cities under the influence of bigwigs behind the game. After much persuasion by many sources, cops started making frequent visits to the resorts.
On one such visit in the late midnight, yesterday, the police found more that fifteen pairs of youth indulging in compromising activities. All of them were taken into control. The fifteen men arrested were locals while the fifteen women were from Odisha, Rajasthan and Maharashtra.
Flesh trades were going at a rapid pace in many resorts across the city, but this one was a major haul by the security personnel in the recent times. On Friday the raids were conducted on the Chaitanya Resorts in the Earlapally village of Chevella mandal in Ranga Reddy District. (Wishesh AarKay)