Chief minister Kiran Kumar Reddy's moves and plans are gaining prominence in the wake of MIM party withdrawing its resignation citing the alleged unfavourable plans being taken up by Kiran sarkar. Twice Mr Asaduddin Owaisi lashed out at CM in separate press meets in Hyderabad. Although speculations were high on high command removing Kiran as chief minister, there were also other news that Kiran voluntarily tendered his resignation and Congress high command and Centre are yet to come to conclusion over the same.
As per now, chief minister is busy with his public activities. Kiran Kumar will tour several places outside the state for about four days starting from today. Notably, this evening he would leave for Bengaluru and would stay there tonight. He would take part in a special event at Vidhana Soudha on Friday following which he would be arriving at Anantapur along with Myanmar democratic leader Aung Sung Su Kii in a special chopper.
The political observers said that Kiran sarkar might have drawn heavy criticism from the opposition parties and even from allies, but it has maintained strict law and order and had strife towards establishing peace by putting a check a check to terrorism. They even reminded as to how alleged terrorists from Hyderabad were nabbed and put behind bars by Karnataka police a few months back. Anyway, observers gave a thumbs up to Kiran sarkar.
Finally they said: 'Empty vessels make much noise,' stating that a true leader might not hog the limelight since he will be busy in public activities.
(AW Phani)