Congress MP Lagadapati Rajagopal has condemned the attacks on Cameraman Gangatho Rambabu's director Puri Jagannadh's office. He has said that the sentiments of Telangana region were not insulted in Cameraman Gangatho Rambabu (CMGR) film. Lagadapati Rajagopal has stressed that CMGR was taken neatly and hailed the film. He questioned the agitators to show as to which leader was compared to characters in CMGR. “Anything on bifurcation was not mentioned in the movie,” said Lagadapati Rajagopal.
Further, Rajagopal said the film threw focus on the national integration and gave a good message that the country doesn't comprise of just Telugu-ites. He even said he saluted everyone who worked for Cameraman Gangatho Rambabu (CMGR). Also, Lagadapati Rajagopal has termed CMGR as an extra-ordinary movie.
(AW Phani)