Whenever people try to give some message-a positive one-it always come under scanner and get attacked. Be it the then Socrates' discovery or yesterday's An Escape From Taliban or today's Telugu flick Cameraman Gangatho Rambabu. No, it's purely not an effort to compare things, but an appeal to highlight the issue. A special report on CMGR...
When Cameraman Gangatho Rambabu was released on October 18, it was well-received in all parts of the state including Telangana region. Reason being so simple—the film portrays the national integration and unity in diversity. Who doesn't like national integration message? That's the reason the film got thumbs up on day one.
Things, however, took a drastic change on day two when some of the students allegedly attacked a famous theatre in Hyderabad and burnt the reels on a university campus in Hyderabad under the allegations that the film was an aim to target and hurt sentiments of Telangana people. These students were purportedly and allegedly misled by miscreants. Who are the miscreants? Obviously those who try to come to power by hook or by crook.
At a point of time when Telangana movement is still in its peak, anything slight on Telangana or against Telangana would undoubtedly excite and incite people since emotions run high. This point seems to have turned fruitful to some of politicians and those with ulterior motives.
And 'Operation CMGR' was apparently launched. A series of incidents took place simultaneously. At first director of CMGR,Puri Jagannadh's office was attacked. Later, screening of Cameraman Gangatho Rambabu was stalled in Hyderabad and in other parts of the state with muscle power, then entered political power and finally the reel power as Telangana Film Chamber announced the film would be stalled until director censors certain scenes. A couple of scenes were muted and CMGR is now finally playing in theatres in Telangana.
Did CMGR really took on Telangana?
There was no scene in the movie, which contained Telangana movement. So, the scope for taking on T also didn't arise. However, director's mere ideas and fiction took the form of CMGR. He said he wanted to give a good message to the society. For stating that all Indians should be entertained equally, this is the treatment that CMGR got...kuddoos to all those-with brains as small as peanuts-since they assumed that CMGR was against Telangana.
Such improper steps, exaggeration, and mere attack on the freedom of speech of a person/film maker only create a wrong impression on the movement. If there's something objectionable, then there are proper channels to approach. Attacking things and people would never ever solve problems.
(AW Phani)