Congress senior leader V Hanumantha Rao spoke yet another time on Telangana issue. Supporting the cause for Telangana statehood, Hanumantha Rao has said that in case the state is bifurcated, it would be beneficial to both the regions. To make a point, he stressed that a few leaders from Seemandhra region were apprehensive about their properties in Hyderabad if Telangana is carved out. None would grab the properties of Seemandhra leaders, he added. He urged them not to get tensed about the same and appealed them not to create barriers for the formation of Telangana state.
Speaking on the recently concluded Telangana march, he said he never expected that Telangana march would be so successful. Despite police creating so many obstacles, people were taking out peaceful rally for the cause and this is called as the real movement, added Hanumantha Rao. He even reiterated that Telugu speaking people should get separated like brothers.
(AW Phani)