Education Minister Dr S Sailajanath today expressed his dissent over the comments of the Congress MP from Karim Nagar Ponnam Prabhakar on Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy. Sailajanath said that the Congress Government had permitted the T March, only after the T JAC had given a written confirmation that it would be peaceful. He also said that this proves the democratic policy of the government to give equal justice to all stake holders.
Dr S Sailajanath also flayed at Ponnam for his derogatory comments about the decision. He added that due to his magnificent performance the CM has won the hearts of the high command. And by finding fault with the CM is to find fault with the High Command.
The senior leader of the party also said that he had visited the national capital and as of now there are no indications of the T state. Aadding that the urge for a unified state is increasing at a rapid pace.
It may be noted that the Karimnagar MP flayed at the CM for issuing provocative statements against the T issue and took exception to the DGP issuing a statement even as the T ministers were discussing the T March issue with the T leaders. (With inputs from internet-AW AarKay)