The frequent power cuts faced by the people of the state is short lived and soon the government shall embark on a revamp operations and restore regular power supply. Speaking to news persons today after the assembly sessions finished, the Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy assured a solution to the impending power crisis. CM informed that due to the ongoing Ganesh Chaturti and the Ganesh idol immersions from tomorrow, the sessions was shortened. He also said that there will be another short session before the monsoon ends.
CM today was frank enough to inform that the ongoing crisis was due to the limited water and gas resources this year. He also ascertained that his meeting with the Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh regarding the urge for more power is underway.
CM also informed that this was the only state which was bearing the burden of Rs 6,100 Cr of power subsidy, in the form of sops to the general public.
CM also threw a challenge at the oppositions that even if they would show him an acre of land has faced drought due to the power crisis, then he would immediately look into it. Most of the oppositions were blaming the miserable state of farmers due to the power crisis. (With inputs from internet-AW AarKay)