The union minister of state for HRD, Purandareshwari has met the President Pranab Mukherjee in Delhi today. She has congratulated Pranab for becoming the President of the country. She even urged the President to come down to Vishakapatnam, which happens to be the constituency of Purandareshwari, and hold a public meet there in order to encourage and lift the spirits among the college students and youths in Visakhapatnam.
The sources said that Pranab Mukherjee assured Purandareshwari that he would come down to Vishakapatnam and hold a meeting. Also, Purandareshwari has met the union finance minister Chidambaram. She has asked the finance minister to give clearance to a file, which grants extra security to Visakhapatnam airport.
(AW Phani)