Guntur MP Rayapati Sambasiva Rao, who faced allegations from one Tara Chowdhary, has made it clear that he had no links with Tara. He said he would not speak anything on Tara Chowdhary. Rayapati visited Tirumala and sought the blessings of Lord Sri Venkateshwara Swamy. During his visit, media asked several questions regarding to Tara and Rayapati not only showed reluctance to speak, but straight away said he would not talk anything on that issue.
It may be recalled that Tara Chowdhary was busted by the city police for running a prostitution ring in the city. The moment she was arrested, she released a controversial CD to the media, which apparently contained the conversations of Rayapati Sambasiva Rao. Tara Chowdhary said she was allegedly forced to blackmail Kanna Lakshminarayana.
AW Phani