In a major breakthrough, the Central Crime Station cops probing the infamous ATM scam, busted the kingpin of the fraud along with two other fraudsters and recovered illegal properties worth over a crore rupees besides 34 lakh rupees cash. The kingpin B Lalith Kumar (the main accused in the case) and the other two are P Naresh Kumar and V Ganesh. The properties that were seized include documents of two houses, three four wheelers, a two wheeler, a television and a laptop.
Notably, the police nabbed 12 accused in the case earlier and now the case has almost closed since the main accused has been arrested. The scam came into light when the regional manger of CMS Info System Pvt Ltd, G S Raghavendra approached the police and informed that a few of their employees allegedly committed crime.
It may be recalled that a few employees of CMS security were depositing lesser amounts in the ATM and had feed higher amounts in the ATMs. The conspiracy involved among 15 employees who stole Rs. 2.65 crore from ATMs. It is known that CMS security deposits money in ATMs of several private and nationalized banks in the country. (phani)