The proposed T-Stir call, by the Telangana Rashtra Samiti Chief K. Chandrasekhar Rao evoked panic among the student fraternity across, today. The students who shall be preparing for various exams during that precise time got worried over the statement made by the leader. Earlier on Monday the TRS Leader had announced that the Telangana agitation shall commence after the Sankranthi to carve a separate Telangana state out of the unified Andhra Pradesh.
As per the exam schedule the Intermediate practical exams are scheduled from February 2 to 24, the theory exams will be conducted from March 2 to 21. SSC exams will be held from March 26 to April 11 and the ICSE Board has planned its Class XII exams (ISC) from February 13 to April 3 and Class X exams from February 27 to March 29. Though the CBSE is yet to announce its schedule for Class X and XII Board exams, they are normally held during the same period. Nearly 30 lakh candidates from the state will appear for Board exams in 2012 and students, parents and college managements are now worried. The students shall also be preparing for all India competitive exams for professional studies like IIT-JEE, AIEEE, Eamcet, AIIMS, JIPMER, SRM, VIT etc.
This year the students lost almost two months of academics, due to the Sakala Janula Samme in September and October. The managements and parents feel this agitation will affect the performance of the students at the exams. They plan to approach the concerned parties to exempt the students and educational institutions from the stir. Hope the parties understand the plight of the students and concede to exempt students from the stir. But for some parties students are the back bone for agitations. In a fortnight from now we shall know the fate of these students, for the year.