Minister Jupally Krishna Rao, who has been singing the Telangana tune for the last few months, has quit his post. He met the governor ESL Narasimhan this evening in Hyderabad and submitted his resignation.
Krishna Rao in fact resigned his post two months ago but the Chief Minister had not accepted his resignation and asked him to continue in his post. However, the minister never returned to the Secretariat after resigning from his post and instead continued with a Telangana Padayatra in Mahaboobnagar district.
He recently had a tiff with the Minister Ms. Aruna who asked him not to do his Padayatra in her Gadwal constituency leading to the arrest of both the Ministers.
Krishna Rao took a vow that he would not enter the secretariat as a minister if the Centre does not announce Telangana state by May 31. As the deadline ended, the minister chose to resign.
Krishna Rao in fact resigned his post two months ago but the Chief Minister had not accepted his resignation and asked him to continue in his post. However, the minister never returned to the Secretariat after resigning from his post and instead continued with a Telangana Padayatra in Mahaboobnagar district.
He recently had a tiff with the Minister Ms. Aruna who asked him not to do his Padayatra in her Gadwal constituency leading to the arrest of both the Ministers.
Krishna Rao took a vow that he would not enter the secretariat as a minister if the Centre does not announce Telangana state by May 31. As the deadline ended, the minister chose to resign.