Even as the former Kadapa MP Mr YS Jaganmohan reddy announced Friday evening that he would launch his YSR congress party this afternoon along with his mother Vijayamma, the central election commission asked Jagan not to launch the party now as it would violate the election code of conduct.
The election commission in a telegraphic notice to Jagan told him not to launch the party as the campaign to the Legislative Council elections from the constituencies of the graduates and MLAs in the Kadapa district has just concluded and the elections will take place in the next few days.
Replying to the notice, Jagan said that he was not going to launch the party but his mother would only unveil the party flag at the Samadhi of his father at Idupulapaya in Kadapa district. As the officials of the Election Commission objected to this, Jagan has reportedly decided to approach high court to seek permission to unveil the party flag.
Jagan announced in the Jaggampeta public meeting Friday evening that his mother would unveil the party flag at Idupulapaya this afternoon.