Ministers belonging to the Telangana area today met at the residence of Minister Jana reddy and decided to write a letter to the party high command requesting it to take an immediate decision on the formation of the separate state of Telangana.
They have also decided to follow it up with a visit to Delhi to meet the high command and put pressure directly on the central leadership in favour a fast decision on Telangana state. After meeting the high command and assessing its response, the ministers will take a decision on submitting resignations.
“We will write a letter to the high command, then pay a visit to Delhi and then decide on submitting the resignations depending on the leadership’s response,” the ministers told journalists after their meeting.
It is learnt that Minister Jana reddy volunteered to resign but other ministers convinced him not to do so as it may hurt the party interests. “We will take a collective decision on resignations,” the rest of the ministers told him. “We have decided to take a collective decision and no one will resign for the sake personal prestige,” a minister said.