The improvement of a nation depends on the improvement of the woman class of that society. They are the mother, nurse and mother of the whole nation. So, we should always have respect for them. They should be placed on the high. But in our practical society they are deprived very much. The evil of dowry system had vitiated the society.
Actually, dowry means gift presented by the parents of the bride at the time of her marriage. Women are treated as commodity for sale in the marriage market. Love, freedom, social justice, equality, progress, everything stands ridiculed. The disastrous system has burnt the poor and rich also resulting poor father becoming poorer. The unfulfilled promise of dowry leads to persecution of wives and daughters-in-law. As a result of it they are compelled to commit suicide otherwise they suffer from inhuman torture.
Though, the law in section 304-B of the Indian Penal Code has been imposed for removing the dowry death but it is not sufficient. Education and more employment for women are required for removing the curse. Moral aid is equally important. Young generation can only help abolishing this system by promising earnestly not to give or take dowry in any way.
Let us realize the mistake and abolish this sinful act!
Remember, God is looking at us!
(AW:Samrat Biswas)