After reports that Shah Rukh Khan had another son through a surrogate mother, everyone is taken aback with allegations of a gender determining test. It is said that Shah Rukh had the gender of the child checked before birth. He and his wife Gauri are now at the center of an investigation that aims to get to the truth of the matter.
Yes, Shah Rukh had confirmed the birth of the child and yes he says it is his boy. One wonders why it was kept a secret. He says it is a personal and confidential matter, but the media has not stopped bombarding him with questions. He has a witty answer for everything. Would there be a witty retort when investigations dig out more information? Officials are currently trying to find out the new born's paternity.
Usually a birth of a child is a momentous occasion. But this time it is marred with allegations of something the entire country would cringe about. Gender determination is illegal under the Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Technique (PCPNDT) Act.
This is Shah Rukh and Gauri's third child after son Aryan and daughter Suhana, who are both in their teens. It is rumored that Gauri's sister-in-law Namita Chibber is the surrogate mother.