The Hindu" English daily ranked 1 according to Indian Readership Survey 2012
Having 134-year record of ethical editorial excellence and commitment to quality journalism, has reinforced its supremacy in South India. Moreover, has recorded the highest growth among all English dailies in the country, adding an impressive 50,000 readers nationally over the previous quarter, according to the latest findings of the Indian Readership Survey, IRS 2012 Q3.
In fact, with it's current national Average Issue Readership (AIR) of 22.58 lakh, this marks an increase of 4.1 per cent over the corresponding period in 2011, IRS 2011 Q3. Because of which it has achieved a 2.3 per cent increase over the previous quarter, IRS 2012 Q2.
A moment of victory for “The Hindu”
(AW:Samrat Biswas)