After Satyam another corporate scam in India has hit headlines. Global brand Reebok filed a complaint with the Gurgaon police alleging that a big scam took place in Reebok India. The company claimed it lost Rs. 8,700 crore rupees due to the scam. The persons allegedly involved in the scam are Reebok India former managing director Subhinder Singh Prem and former chief operating officer (COO) Vishnu Bhagat.
Their names were mentioned in the police FIR. The company has alleged that the duo teamed up and stole the products by setting up secret warehouses. The company has said that the duo were part of their company in 2011 and when the scan came to light, it has sacked both of them immediately. The economic cell of Gurgaon police conducted a probe into the alleged scam and found out that the duo opened secret warehouses without informing their seniors. (Phani)