BMS strongly demanded that workers of all groups, both organised and unorganised, be provided a minimum wage of Rs.10, 000 per month along with all social securities such as provident fund, gratuity, pension, healthcare, and education for children.
The day-long country-wide strike called by the central trade unions on February 28 is to bring forth a host of demands that have been languishing for attention for a very long time, said Baij Nath Raj, general secretary, Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh (BMS). The strike is only the beginning and the working class will continue its struggle till all the grievances were settled in an amicable way, said Mr. Raj while addressing presspersons at the conclusion of the three day National Working Committee meeting of the BMS in Chennai. The central trade unions have been forced to launch the strike as initiatives mooted by the forum for solving the genuine grievances of working class have not yielded any result.
Of the 120 crore population in the country labour force accounted for 47.5 crore, he said. However, it is a sad state of affair that the working class has been continuously ignored, exploited, victimised, and was not even provided with basic human needs. Explaining the resolutions adopted at the National Working Committee meeting, Mr. Raj said that it strongly demanded that workers of all groups, both organised and unorganised, be provided a minimum wage of Rs.10,000 per month along with all social securities such as provident fund, gratuity, pension, healthcare, and education for children.
All retired workers must get pension of Rs.3, 000 per month and gratuity of one month salary for each completed year of service. The government should take effective initiative for providing a decent working atmosphere as per the ILO direction, another resolution said. National secretary Durai Raj, state president N. Anguswamy, state general secretary Jayaprakash, and district secretary Sri Raman, participated.