Delhi High Court today granted a 5-day conditional parole to Manu Sharma, who was serving life imprisonment in the murder case of Delhi model Jessica Lal.
The killer, son of the highly influential congress leader of Haryana Mr Vinod Sharma, would be out on parole between Nov 21 and 25 to attend the wedding of his younger brother. The court directed him to restrict his movements to Chandigarh, Karnal and Ambala during the five days where the engagement ceremony, wedding and reception will be held.
The court also directed him to furnish a bond of Rs.50, 000 for granting parole and not to attend any discotheques.
Manu Sharma killed Jessica Lall at a high profile party on April 29, 1999 in Delhi and trial court released him saying there was no proof to prove his crime. But the Delhi high court dismissed the trial court judgment and awarded him life imprisonment on December 20, 2006.While the police had opposed his parole pointing that he had earlier violated parole conditions, senior counsel Ram Jethmalani appeared for Sharma.