Special Judge O.P. Saini of the Delhi CBI court today reserved his orders on the bail applications of Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Karunanidhi’s daughter and DMK MP Ms. Kanimozhi and Kalaignar TV MD Sharad Kumar for May 14.
Earlier, CBI opposed her bail plea saying that Kanimozhi directed the entire 2G spectrum scam and received a bribe of Rs.200 Cr from Dynamix Balwa group.
Arguing on behalf of the CBI, special public prosecutor U.U. Lalit said she was the director of the TV channel when the channel received the bribe amount from the company which benefited from the spectrum policies of the tainted former communications minister A. Raja.
The 43-year-old Kanimozhi had said during her appearance on Friday in the court that Raja was the main culprit in the entire scam and asked for granting of bail since she was a woman and a MP. She came to the court today also along with the other accused.
The CBI however said it had sufficient evidence to prove Ms. Kanimozhi’s complicity in the transaction of Rs. 200 Cr. paid by Balwa.
“If a family holds 80 per cent share in a company, it is impossible to think that anyone other than members of that family could run the company,” Mr. Lalit said.