Everyone of us loves to have the people who can fall behind us. Though we love them, we still try to expect it to express from our partners on us, but, we do not like to take the initiative. Before or after the marriage, this might always be a common issue among the couple. This tip is for all such couples.
If we expect an initiative from our partner and we felt that it might be impossible at a particular time, then it would be better, if you yourself dare to take it. When you took the initiative once and if the partner reacts positively to it and take a sub initiative, then that feeling makes both happier, as the initiatives are shared.
Example: When you are sure about your partner that, your love will be accepted when expressed, do it soon. If your partner really waited for it, he/she would hold your hand or lean on the shoulder or do any type of physical gesture, then the initiatives are meant to be shared, as we expressed our love first, and he/she had a physical touch with you for the first time. No ego feelings can take place if the feelings are shared this way.
By Phani