Growing long hair that is stronger as well is a trick… let’s try to master the art of growing long and strong hair now;
Are you using elastic bands to tie your hair? Forget about securing your hair, these elastic bands will make you loose your hair as there is a chance of your hair getting stuck in the elastic, resulting to the hair loss… so, don’t prefer them.
Excessive styling, ironing and straightening your hair, heating your hair for curling it or whatever will give you temporary beauty, but will result to a excessive hair loss in long run… so, let your hair be simple the way it is and keep all these styling to be very occasional.
Shampoos and conditioners that contain a lot of chemical content in them, gels and hair sprays are a big no – no if you want your hair to be healthy.
Oiling your hair regularly, going for natural hair massages and regular hair care is the best remedy to keep up your hair to be stronger.
Always, let your hair dry naturally and after that brush it rather than going for a hair dryer… and before your hair dry’s completely, don’t be in a hurry to tie it…
Pampering your hair naturally is the best way to keep your hair healthy.