Ichthyosis is a dry skin condition. There are two general types:
Inherited ichthyosis (several forms exist)-dryness and scaling of the skin due to hereditary factors Acquired ichthyosis-thickening and scaling of the skin that is not inherited but is associated with certain medical disorders.
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Ichthyosis is a dry skin condition. There are two general types:
· Inherited ichthyosis (several forms exist)-dryness and scaling of the skin due to hereditary factors
· Acquired ichthyosis-thickening and scaling of the skin that is not inherited but is associated with certain medical disorders
Inherited ichthyosis is caused by a genetic defect that is passed from parent to child or that occurs spontaneously.
Acquired ichthyosis is relatively rare but may be caused by any of the following:
· Leprosy (extremely rare in the US)
· Hypothyroidism
· Lymphoma ( Hodgkin's Lymphoma , Adult Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma )
· Sarcoidosis
A risk factor is something that increases your chance of getting a disease or condition. Risk factors for ichthyosis include:
· Family member with ichthyosis
· Cold weather
· Frequent or prolonged bathing, especially in hot water
· Harsh soaps or detergents
· Soaps or lotions containing certain scents or perfumes
The doctor will ask about your symptoms and medical history, and perform a physical exam. The diagnosis of ichthyosis is usually based on signs and symptoms of the disorder. Rarely, blood tests or a skin biopsy may be required.