Have you seen a strand of hair that got too close to a flame? It's light-colored dull, hangs in a weird half-curled shape and breaks at the slightest touch. This is hair without any moisture. To understand this reaction, we first need to understand how a strand of hair is constructed.
What is Hair?
Each strand of hair is comprised of an inner layer, or cortex, that determines the color and texture of the hair. An outer layer, called the cuticle, protects the cortex. These structures may sound simple, but they're formed out of many layers and coils of proteins, namely keratin. The cuticle is not a solid sheath, but rather formed of scales that slide over each other and give hair its flexibility. Healthy hair is made up of about 88% protein, 12% water. If there is a not a proper balance between moisture and protein, the hair will not be Healthy and will become difficult to manage.
The Importance of Protein
Too little protein in the equation will cause hair to stretch easily, thinning the individual strand, without giving the hair enough structure to pull itself back into shape. Too little moisture and the cuticle gets dried out, giving your hair a dull, dead look (even course, curly hair should have a bit of velvety sheen) and making it brittle. Protein will keep the hair strong, but if there's not enough moisture in it for elasticity it will break very easily. In addition, the edges of the "scales" on the cuticle can be damaged if they are not able to slide properly, making the hair shaft rough so it tangles easier. Dried hairs are thin, lightweight and lack vibrant color.
Naturally Moisturize Your Hair
There are many commercial hair products on the market geared toward helping you get the right moisture into your hair, but you may have to try a few before you find the one that will work for your hair type and the level of moisture you need. You can also add oils to your hair. Sebum is designed to coat each individual hair, lock moisture in, protect the hair from dirt and other damaging substances, and to allow the cuticle scales to slide smoothly. Adding oils such as jojoba or extra virgin olive oil can help protect hairs that have the sebum regularly shampooed off of them.
Many hair care products such as cheaper shampoos and conditioners contain ingredients that coat the hair and can lock moisture away from the individual strands, so take care to select quality products that will truly help the hair rather than just make it look hetitlehy. The good news is, moisture imbalances are not difficult to fix once they're identified and can make all the difference in the look and texture of your hair.