Markfree ‘You’!

January 04, 2012 15:57
Markfree ‘You’!

More than getting rid of pimples, it is more important to get rid of the marks they leave as their memories on our face, while the pimples get reduced. We use all the available creams, to get rid of these marks and to fulfill our aim to reach the flawless beauty category… but, yes, this is definitely not easy… as soon as these marks take a name of reducing, another fresh pimple would arise on your face… in this saturation we tend to leave the beauty of our face to the destiny and live with the pimples and their marks almost throughout our lives… why to any other rule our happiness? Get rid of everything that is bothering us…And for this…

It is very important to prevent our skin from pimples. And for that;

1.    Is your hair cleanly washed and dandruff free? Check out the same first… if your hair is unhealthy, the same would effect on your skin as well. There are all the chances of the dandruff to fall on your face and in turn be the major reason that can cause pimples. So, the basic funda of staying away from any impurities that can damage your skin is to keep yourself clean from tip to toe…

2.    Not pampering your skin might also lead to pimples. So, at any cost, moisturize your skin every day. Of course, you need to opt for a moisturizer that is suitable to your skin type, for the best results.

3.    Never put on make up direct with your is better to use a sponge for make up. And even when removing the make up, rather than cotton, wet tissues are a best option. Just look out of a budget and opt for the best brand make up products if you are wearing make up on a daily basis.

4.    Cleasing, toning and moisturizing. These are just not a fabric for any commercial but are essential for your skin to be pimple free as well.

5.    Cleaning your skin one in a week with a Scrub would work wonders in removing all that dead skin, black and white heads and impurities entered in the open pores of the skin.

Now, let us talk about how to get rid of pimple marks;

1.    Mix sandalwood powder with rose water and milk cream to make a thick paste. Apply this paste on your face and let it dry up naturally. Once the paste has dried up, wash your face with cold water.

2.    Massage your face gently with olive oil or almond oil every day. These oils provide essential nutrients to the skin and help repair damaged skin.

3.    Rub your pimple marks with lemon juice regularly. This may help fade the pimple marks.

4.    Rub your face with freshly cut slices of vegetables like potato, cucumber, or tomato. This will help cleanse your skin and also help the pimple marks to fade away.

5.    Apply aloe vera gel to wash off your face regularly. Aloe vera gel is beneficial for the skin and can help fade the pimple marks with prolonged use.

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