Designer Khushi Shah's collection did really set a 'fever' at the Wills Lifestyle India Fashion Week. Most striking were the new age gowns that were brought to the fashion show. The designs here are mostly inspired by the underwater life. Almost all the dresses have a hint of beautiful sea colours shades in them. Hit on this checklist for some of the most amazing evening gowns by Khushi Shah at the Wills Lifestyle India Fashion Week 2012-2013.
Front Slit Gown- The model here is showcasing a simple evening gown with straps at the back. You can even wear this evening gown at the themed parties or any formal occasion. This is basically a halter neck gown slit from the front. It has shades of blue, green, red and purple all over. The model has kept her hairdo neat with a simple bun tied on her head. Her looks aren't accesorised and she is wearing simple black heels that complement her looks all the more.
Beaded Back- It is a back open evening gown that is elegant and at the same time sensuous. Khushi Shah has mingled a lot of bright hues in this dress. The gown is composed of colours like yellow, pink and blue into one. There are thin beaded straps at the back of the dress that gives it a special touch. There is a thick collar that the model is wearing here is simple awesome. She has completed her looks with a simple hairbun that she carried at the fashion show.
Fish Style Gown- At Wills lifestyle we get to see some of the unique creations. This evening gown is high collared and short sleeved. There are abstract patterns all over the dress. Colours like blue and yellow dominate the dress. This is a fish style gown with a high Victorian collar. Here too the hairstyle has been kept simple and there are no accessories with the dress.
Off Shoulder- It is one of the chic wear that we get to see at the Wills Lifestyle India Fashion Week. The dress is off shoulder one with a deep split neck. The colour of this dress is tinged with light and dark blue shades just like the sea water. The fabric used here is very light and that is what adds to the comfort of this dress.
The Greek Style- An evening gown with a typical Greek style, is one of the cutest creation of this collection. The top of the dress is yellow in colour and is styled in a manner the Greek ladies used to wear. All over the dress is blue in colour with slight tinges of pink. The bottom of this gown has abstract patterns. The belt tied at the waistline of the dress makes it all the more perfect.
The Motif Gown- It is an amazing dress with patchworks of several bright colours all over. The upper part of the gown is similar to a butterfly. So, if you want to look sensuous and appealing then this is the perfect choice for you. The motif work on the gown is simply amazing and gathered our attention in the fashion show.
These are a few collections from the Wills Lifestyle India Fashion Week. Which one is your pick?