Amit Saxena made a few debatable comments recently after he said that Poonam Pandey was far better than Bipasha Basu when it came to talent in acting. The Jism director in 2003 worked with Bipasha Basu and knows clearly well to judge them both but did he do so only to garner publicity by abasing Bipasha?
Poonam Pandey is all set to make her raunchy debut in Bollywood with Nasha which is being directed by Amit Saxena and she has impressed Saxena already; whether with her curves or skill we don't really know yet. Amit seemed to be bewitched with her at the moment as he is all praise for her currently. "Poonam is a natural when it comes to facing the camera. She grasps the script so well that working with her is a cakewalk. Poonam is a director's actor. I think she is far more talented than Bipasha. The future looks very bright for Poonam in Bollywood."
With Poonam having the endorsement of a director she sure is going to go a long way in the industry. When she was contacted she said it was her passion for the work and the focus that keeps her going at the rate. She also gave music a little credit to keep her invigorated. She also gave a naughty and clever answer when she was asked what her favorite track at the moment was; "I am sexy and I know it”, she says with wide grins and a wink.
(AW- Anil)