Unlike all the other films of S.S. Raja Mouli, during the launch and the shoot of his 'Eega' many were predicting the result of the movie to be here and there. but, 'Eega' choose to not break Raja Moulis' success ka track record post its release and the movie is on its way to create a history.
The entertaining screenplay and the much needed emotion added to the story has made 'Eega' a success.
'Eega' seems to be having no competition and its set of audience watching the film repetitively, the movie is pulling the crowd even after more than a month of the release of the film.
Recently, 'Eega' has crossed all the earnings of Mahesh's 'Businessman' and 'Gabbar Singh' and on its way of reaching a 100 crore mark.
What more could we say rather than 'that is Raja Mouli'.