In a huge set back to the Telugu Desam party, MLAs Talasani Srinivas Yadav, Teegala Krishna Reddy and few more leaders joined the ruling Telangana Rashtra Samithi party in the presence of CM K Chandrasekhar Rao at his camp office this morning. Over the past few days and months, Talasani and Teegala were in touch with TRS leaders and despite Chandrababu's intervention, they took up TRS flag.
Speaking after joining TRS, Talasani said, Chandrababu is responsible for the power problems in state while Teegala said, under KCR's rule, Telangana will get development fruits to the every corner of the state. Among the other leaders MLA Dharma Reddy, Prakash Goud and MLC Gangadhar also joined TRS.
Meanwhile, the other TDP leaders remained unavailable to comment on this and are getting ready to meet chief Chandrababu Naidu at AP secretariat. Also TDP is likely to appeal to the Telangana Assembly speaker seeking the above leaders disqualification in the upcoming Assembly sessions. Overall, the migration of TDP MLAs is creating a storm in the party.
(AW: Vamshi)