Ok Bangaram in not only enjoyed by Mani's fans but also many others inside the film industry too. Specially in the Tamil film industry, from the very first day, Mani is continuously been applauded by many biggies in the industry and Goutham menon was one of them.
After watching the film, Goutham announced on twitter that he thoroughly enjoyed watching the movie and now is feeling to write a love story again.
After this statement, many of his fans started a buzz that the love story would be a sequel to Ye Maya Chesave and the title of it would obviously be Ye Maaya Chesaave 2 basing on the craze the title has. If this buzz turns true, then there would not be any doubt, the movie gains a huge hype among the audience which will help the producer as there is no need of spending money on publicity separately. Anyway this is just a buzz among the fans, it is his decision to write a fresh love story or a sequel.
By Phani