Anushka Sharma, this Girl from Bangalore has become a star overnight, when she made a dream debut in the film industry, opposite Shah Rukh Khan, in Yash Raj Films ‘Rab Ne Banaadi Jodi’. Anushka’s performance in this film was much talked about. Later the Actress changed her girl next door appearance, and did an out and out glamorous role, in the film, ‘Badmash Company’, opposite Shahid Kapoor.
The film did not manage to entertain the audience, but Anushka’s look and her Bikni act, entertained the audience. Her third film, ‘Band Bajaa Baarat’, opposite debutant Ranvir Singh, turned out to be a block buster entertainer. Right from the shooting of this film, till the movie became success and even today, Anushka – Ranveer have become a much talked about couple both in ‘Reel’ and ‘Real’ life. The couple has not acknowledged their relationship, neither denied it. But, Anushka has decided to put an end to all the talk related to her link up with Ranvir.
On Simi Garewal’s talk show, ‘India’s Most Desirable’, Anushka denied dating Ranveer Singh. "I like him, he's attractive but we two are very different people. We have a very volatile relationship, we can actually kill each other and I am serious. I can bite his head off, he can take mine off," asid Anushka.
"So for me, if I need to be with another man, he needs to calm me down otherwise it would not be a good relationship... I'm serious," said Anushka.