Right from the time, the porn was banned in India, it is RGV, who openly expressed his opinions and seriously condemned the porn ban.
RGV comments on porn ban have already gone very viral and even trended in the social networking sites. RGV said, “banning porn is seriously raising an objection for citizen’s rights. This might lead to an increase of women sexual harassments in the society.
Moreover, RGV made satirical tweets on the central government saying that, the next step of government is to enter into the couples bedroom and watch how do they perform sex and also opined that, the present government will not continue in the seat in the next elections.
When he was asked that, children might be affected by the porn ban, RGV said, “at a certain age, though we control ourselves from going towards porn, a few things happen which drives us towards watching it. No one can stop those.”
Instead banning the porn will make the children more interested to know about it and end up with diverse effects. So it would be better if the government gives up its decision, otherwise, the effect will surely be in the 2019 elections,” RGV added.
Puri backs RGV
Along with RGV, even director Puri Jagannath said “if the government is that concerned about youth, then it should even ban alcohol and cigarettes too.”
Puri comments on porn ban are said to be though provoking, because the government might not ban alcohol, as it is a big income source. But through porn sites, there is no such income source for the government and so banned it.
By Phani