Super talented director Maniratnam has directed many heart touching love stories in his career and he shot fame national wide. He has been facing tough time currently as his recent movies could not fare well at the box-office. He is now back with his latest movie OK Kanmani and the movie has been titled as OK Bangaram in telugu. The movie is said to be a pure love story which has been shot simultaneously in Telugu, Tamil and Malayalam. The movie has completed shoot recently and is in final stages of post production.
The audio of the film has been released on Saturday which received terrific response all over. Salman Dulquar and Nithya Menon played the main leads in the movie and AR Rahman composed the music. PC Sreeram is the cinematographer and popular producer Dil Raju bought the theatrical rights of the movie in Telugu. Young actor Nani has dubbed for the male lead’s role in Telugu and Maniratnam produced the movie on Madras Talkies banner. OK Bangaram has been planned for a grand release on April 17th in Telugu, Tamil and Malayalam languages.