Actress Kangana Ranaut has reportedly said yes to Hansal Mehta who is planning to make a biopic on mountaineer Bachendri Pal. Kangana has never worked in a biopic and this would be her first real-life inspired film. According to the sources, Hansal met Kangana recently and narrated the script and also the director believes that Kangana is the ideal choice for the film.
As the film is based on real-life mountaineer, Kangana is set to undergo training before the film hits the theatres. The project will have a formal launch in September as Kangana and director Hansal Mehta are preoccupied with their commitments. Kangana is presently busy with 'Tanu Weds Manu Returns' and 'Katti Batti' while Hansal has 'Aligarh' which is based on a real-life incident of gay professor and rickshaw puller.
Post the success of 'Queen,' Kangana films disappointed at box office, hope she will have a good 2015.