Tollywood ace director SS Rajamouli has apologised to hero Prabhas fans for not releasing any video on the eve of the Young Rebel Star's birthday. Wishing all the Telugu people happy Diwali, Rajamouli posted a video in Facebook and said sorry to Prabhas fans, also cited the reasons for it.
“For the past four to five months, shooting of Baahubali is progressing at good speed. We took a break for Diwali and that too it is just one day. I want to apologise to Prabhas fans for disappointing them and also for distancing for the past two years. But I can assure that, after the release of Baahubali, fans will be delighted with the film,” said Rajamouli.
So we can expect the same for Anushka and Rana's birthday which are slated in November and December respectively.
(AW: Vamshi)